Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Back on the road and other updates

Having made up the ARB clip reinforcement, I got the bug back on the
road. Steering is improved but still vibration over 60mph ish.
Generally feels tighter though so definitely worth replacing the

I'm now working on the theory that the vibration is being caused by
the tyres going out of shape during the time off the road. This is
backed up by the vibration curiously being worse when cold (like first
thing in the morning) and improving by pumping up the tyres - perhaps
the extra pressure makes them more round? I'm hoping to try some other
wheels and tyres to test the theory, and maybe replace the tyres

Having gotten a bit fed up with the hassle of cold starting without
any chokes, and given that I never got it running 100% and wishing to
make it more usable for Helen, I decided to take the twin carbs off
and go back to a stock single carb. Having refitted the original I am
not having the problems I had when first getting it back on the road,
but there is definitely a problem just off idle that can't be adjusted
out on the mixture screw. I can tell that there is wear in the
throttle spindle bushes though, so considering buying a new carb and
hoping that will fix that.

Another job I want to get round to though is fitting VDO temp and oil
pressure gauges, as the cheapo ones aren't much use. Also I'm
investigating a wind break to go behind the headrests and reduce the
buffeting from the wind, which Helen does not appreciate!

Finally, the starter motor gremlins seem to have returned when hot.
It's not the wiring from the key switch (having run a cable from the
battery) so am thinking the starter might need a recon or replacement.
Hopefully I shall be able to get a bit more use out of her leading up
to the Coventry run though and decide if that is necessary.

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