Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Engine bits

Next came giving the engine a good degrease, fitting a new flywheel
oil seal, then the new flywheel (luckily I have a 500lb/ft torque
wrench borrowed from work), assembling the clutch, and fitting a new
alternator for good measure. I also fitted the original single carb as
the webers need a good clean and service, and I figured it'll be
easier to get through the MOT. Once all back together the engine went
back in fairly easily with Dad's help using my patented scissor and
trolley jack method (scissor jacks to get engine high enough to get a
trolley jack under).

Then came connecting up the wiring and fuel lines, putting some oil in
the engine, connecting the battery and turning the key to see if it
would turn over, except.... noting happened! Oh dear, maybe the
immobiliser has conked out or the wiring to it is not complete. So a
good look under the dash was in order which revealed... that the plug
had been taken off the ignition switch! So that was connected back up,
the key turned again, great! Now we have oil and alternator lights at
least. But no power to the started, so it seemed. However a quick
charge of the battery and that came to life too.

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