Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Cheap repro parts suck!

Well thanks to help from Dad (thanks Dad!) the front and rear bumpers are now fitted. The rear went on easier than I expected mostly down to Dad's dexterity and ability to get nuts on bolts in awkward places. Despite not having the correct mounts on the inner wings they fit and look pretty good and I didn't need to butcher the bumper hole trims.

We also replaced the nearside rear brake backing plate and cylinder etc so both rear brakes are now reconditioned. Nice to have adjusters that work!

Having obtained a machine tap set from Halfrauds, the running board bolts now screw into the holes properly. Unfortunately the fit of the running boards is terrible! The holes in the boards don't line up at all with the bolt holes in the heater channels, which I don't know if it's the fault of the boards or the heater channels. But I managed to fit them eventually after much swearing and throwing of tools out the the pram, although disappointingly I scratched the paint a bit on the offside wing at the bottom.

Next up is to have a look at the wiring I guess and put the new crimp set I bought to good use. And trying to decide whether to go for smoked or crystal style front indicators (have some second hand orange ones to fit in the mean time).

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