Tuesday, September 11, 2007


MOT, Cov run and other new bits

Pleased to report that she passed her MOT with no advisories! I
changed the front tyres moving up from 185/55R15 to 185/60R15 which
gives a bit more ground clearance at the front and improved the ride
somewhat, and got the tracking done which improved the feel of the
steering even more. A new starter motor to replace the tired one that
refused to work when hot has also been fitted, and I've wired it with
a relay to take some load off the key switch. Oh and the oil warning
switch stopped working, so I wired the built-in one on the VDO
pressure sender in place instead, although that seems rather sensitive
as the oil light comes on at idle when hot which kills the petrol pump
and hence long term is not a great solution.

She then excelled as rescue vehicle to Ellie's MX5 which suffered a
siezed caliper on the way to the Coventry Run, and carrying me, Helen,
Ellie and Jake the dog around the route to a great response!

Although running fairly well I think I may junk the 009 dissy and get
a vacuum advance one in the hope that it will remove the last of the
flat spots and hot start problems.

Finally a visit to vanfest showed that there is a bit of an oil leak
from the t-piece for the oil pressure sender/switch but nothing a bit
of PTFE won't sort out.

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